I collaborated on this project with Ashley Duggan, a fellow New Media major. We’d never built anything in Unity before, let alone used C#, so this was a crash course for sure.

The idea behind the game is that a melody will play at the beginning of each round. As each note plays, its respective pedestal lights up green in your view. This melody repeats ever minute of the game. When you turn around, There are many smaller pedestals with glowing orbs hovering above them. When you click on them to hear their unique sounds. You can choose to pick up the ball and bring it to a pedestal. If the note is in the right place, then the pedestal will glow green. If it’s incorrect, it will turn red. When all pedestals are green, the player progresses to a harder round. If they are unable to do so before the time runs up, then they have to start the round over.

I was in charge of the UI, logo design, sound design, the pick-up and snap to pedestal functionality, level changes, and other miscellaneous parts of the game.

Here is a video of the game being played:

October 3, 2017